Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For University Administrators

Please see President Mike Nietzel's work at the Missouri State University. When he was presented with a lawsuit filed against one of his academic schools, in this case, the School of Social Work, President Nietzel did not hide behind lawyers or defend the school in question. Nor did he hand over the invesitgation to unhinged radicals in his own faculty- are you listening President Brodhead over at Duke? Instead he called in an independent panel to perform a full review.

And what prompted the review? A student in the master's program accused the school of punishing her for being a Christian. According to her,
Emily Brooker sued the university because she said faculty members punished her for failing to take part in a class assignment that went against her Christian beliefs. Brooker said the project asked students to draft and sign a letter to state legislators in support of gay people being allowed to be foster parents.

Sounds legitimate to me. Anti-Christian professors are legion. In fact, the only religion that can be openly displayed in most universities today would be Islam, which has been elevated to protected status by the far-left socialists and communists who would undoubtedly be Islam's first targets should they even win.

The review's results, according to KY3 News in Missouri, was "damning". In fact, President Nietzel said in his weekly email message,
I regret to report what will be obvious to you as you read the evaluation by the external reviewers: Their evaluation of our Social Work program is extraordinarily negative. In fact, it is as negative a review of an academic program as I have ever seen, and I have been involved in University accreditation activities for more than 20 years as a site visitor for the American Psychological Association, an accreditation consultant, a commissioner of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and a reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission.
As much as I am embarrassed by the report, I have decided it must be made public. The perceived problems in Social Work are too numerous and too serious to hide or diminish. I believe we owe it to ourselves and to our students to let the sun shine on what is very tempting to keep under the rug.

This is the gold standard of how university administrations should respond. Instead of hiding or trying to discipline the student, they should call in an outside review to determine the validity of the accusations. While understanding that students can be untrustorthy in the matter of grades, it si important to realise that professors, especially the many agenda-driven Leftists in our university system, can be just as untrustworthy.

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.

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