Friday, June 01, 2007

Return of the ACLU

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), is not interested in defending Americans from terrorism. Nor are they very assertive in trying to stop Muslims from trying to slowly impose sharia law upon the United States. And they certainly would not lift a finger to protect a Christian who is being discriminated against by a non-Christian group or organization.

But as the World Tribune reports today, if you are a Muslim terrorist trying to destroy the United States, the ACLU is more than happy to help you sue an American company who might be cooperating with the U.S. government in trying to keep America safe.

According to the Tribune,
Boeing has been sued by suspected Al Qaida operatives transported by the CIA to Arab countries for interrogation and torture.

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen Dataplan on behalf of three Al Qaida suspects transported by the CIA under the so-called "extraordinary rendition program."

A spokesman for the ACLU told the Tribune "American corporations should not be profiting from a CIA rendition program that is unlawful and contrary to core American values," ACLU executive director Anthony Romero said. "Corporations that choose to participate in such activity can and should be held legally accountable."

there are so many problems with this statement I hardly know where to start. Firstly, the program of holding captured suspected terrorists outside of the United States is not unlawful- the Constitution (which does not confer American rights on non-Americans in any event) stops at the borders of the United States. Secondly, to claim the program is counter to American values shows enormous ignorance of American history. We have certainly done this before- has the ACLU studied the prisoner camps of World War II? Most were outside of the United States. And in any event, the program would probably not be necessary if US judges actually read the Geneva Convention signed and ratified by the United States, instead of inventing new rights out of whole cloth.

However, my biggest problem is with the ACLU itself. This is an organization that did not lift so much as a finger for Daniel Pearl or any other person kidnapped by Muslim terrorists- people who really did face torture and were in fact executed in a barbarous manner. That they should suddenly find common cause with al Quaeda- the organization responsible for said torture- says much more about the ACLU than it does about the program they ostensibly are against.

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