Thursday, May 11, 2006

President vs Press, Round Two

Well, it is about time, in my opinion. According to a report published in the national, the new White House press secretary, former Fox pundit Tony Snow, came out firing at the biased press coverage of the White House. His first act was to issue detailed and specific rebuttals of the current "news" in emails sent to the various press organizations. He specifically targeted the New York Times and CBS News, sending an email stating “CBS News misleadingly reports that only 8 million seniors have signed up for Medicare prescription drug coverage,” Wednesday’s missive said. “But 37 million seniors have coverage.” His email about the Times said “The New York Times continues to ignore America’s economic progress,”.

This is a good sign. For too long, the White House has allowed the nation's biased and partisan press corps to portray the Adminstration in an unflattering light. Their consistent refusal to print any good news and their unrelenting attacks on the President and his staff has been long untroubled by any counter-attack from the President. Hopefully Mr. Snow will be able to change that. In any case, a vigorous, truthful offense as this is, is a better alternative than a passive defense. Keep up the good work, Mr. Snow. And maybe the rest of the Adminstration will follow this example. It is not enough to be right- one must be able to present one's case to the public as well, especially in the face of a hostile and anti-American Press.

Hat tip to Matt Drudge.

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